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School Uniform

Please make sure all items of clothing are named. School uniform is worn by all children in school.

- Grey trousers / skirt /pinafore dress

- White shirt/polo shirt (school logo available)

- Royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan (school logo available)

- Plain white socks or grey tights with skirts

- Plain grey, black or white ankle socks with trousers

- Black shoes (Black boots may be worn in cold weather with trousers or tights)

- In summer a blue checked summer dress or grey shorts may be worn. Plain black, white or natural sandals may be worn if they are suitable for running / playing in.

A fleece with the school logo is also available.

Children should bring their books to school in a book bag, which can fit in their tray or class box – please do not add large keyrings as the bags do then not fit in their place. PE kits should be brought to school in a drawstring bag. These bags (along with lunch bags) are the only bags that should be brought to school. Backpack type bags should not be brought school. Book bags and P.E. bags are available from the school office.

No jewellery is allowed except for a watch. However, watches that can connect to the internet are not permitted in school. Make up and nail varnish are not allowed in school at any time. Any child coming to school wearing jewellery, make up or nail varnish will be asked to remove it. We ask that all children with long hair wear it tied up in school and long hair must always be tied up on PE days.

If you wish your child to have their ears pierced, then this can be done at the beginning of the summer holidays, which will allow a healing time of six weeks. Jewellery must be removed before returning to school.

PE kit - Please make sure all items of clothing are named.

Children need a drawstring bag in which to keep their PE kits.

For Indoor PE children need a plain white T-shirt and a pair of plain black shorts.

For Outdoor PE the children need a plain white T-shirt, a plain black/navy tracksuit or jogging bottoms, a warm sweatshirt and sturdy trainers. An extra vest, T-shirt or sweatshirt would also be a good idea, as the weather gets colder. We discourage designer labels and football kit is not allowed. Only if it is dangerous, e.g. thunder and lightning/icy conditions or very heavy rain/high winds, will we bring the children indoors, so a lightweight waterproof coat is also required which should be kept in your child’s PE bag.

The main objective is for children to enjoy PE & Games, so your support in ensuring children have the appropriate kit is essential.